Connectives Writing

A group school friends were walking around the snowy campsite talking and laughing, as they walked along the path looking for a place to spend the money they had brought the day before when they came to the site. They still had quite some money to spend on at the souvenir store.

Suddenly, a strange man appeared from nowhere and grabbed 2 girls from the group, they screamed and struggled to get free nevertheless, it was unsuccessful. The girls muffled screams were still heard as the man ran into the forest behind the cabin.

4 brave people from the group volunteered to go after them, 2 boys and 2 girls. The boys were Jacob and Justin and the girls were Emma and Emilia. ‘you know, Jacob and I could go by ourselves’ said Justin ‘You don’t want to get your clothes dirty’

‘oh yeah, we can go ourselves’ sneered the girls. Even though the argument they still set off into the forest where they saw the man take the girls.

They had 4 bottles of water all she same they set off at a walk and then went up to a run. Next, they found a small hut and they peered inside, The girls!


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